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 How to find new digging spots

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leslie(nova scotia)
Veteran Member
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leslie(nova scotia)

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How to find new digging spots Empty
PostSubject: How to find new digging spots   How to find new digging spots I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 06, 2010 4:53 pm

From the land of the Bluenose......most folks think that research is the key to finding new spots. Used to do it that way hitting the local library and archives only to find a promising spot....that is developed or under concrete.

Found that the best way is word of mouth and that can be done by anyway willing to listen. Visit a nursing home, hospital or just sit down and talk to the older members in the community. Doesn't cost you anything and you will be amazed at what you learn besides the fact that this forgotten generation lived through some historical times, did the dew and have no one to tell. Go out and make a friend for someday some young digger............ may ask you!
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How to find new digging spots
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