From the land of the Bluenose.....took my AT Pro International for her second test drive on a rare day not filled with rain. Hit a local field and tried the various settings and finally settled on the standard mode at zero.
Found the machine stable at this setting and very good at picking up deep coins in the 8 to 10 inch range. Had plowed this field numerous times with the Freedom 3 Plus. Pennies rang up good as did loonies and twoonies but dimes and quarters were not to be done. Tried an air test and the machine still would not pick them up at any level.....need help there. Did get one dime and I suspect that it was becaose it was a 1968 one which is half silver which rang up at 82 on that display dewie. The quarter was laying on the surface I eyeballed!
Will it replace my half working Freedom 3 Pluses.....not at this stage.
Duration of dig was 1hr10
Coins found 14 @$4.52
AT Pro bloody muddy
AT Pro finds needed to pay for itself and water head phones $706.38
On another note got to going around a few goodies that Maw had left me which included this. Don't now much about it othe then it was her father's medal.