Metal Detecting New England Forum
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Age : 43
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PostSubject: Welcome to the new forum!   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2008 3:41 pm

Hi Folks,

Welcome to the "Metal Detecting New England" forum. A gathering place for New Englanders as well as friends throughout the world to discuss the hobby of metal detecting and other related topics. . Please feel free to introduce yourself in the aptly named forum section. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading all of your posts. Please bear with me as I am still getting the hang of the Admin controls. Thanks!

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PostSubject: Treasur Hunting down Quebec city   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:09 am

Hi everybody we are club in Canada and we organize a day of metal detection for those who want to share and travel this summer you are welcome feel free to ask any questions I'm gone a register on your forum he look,s great and we go in summer time in Maine and around Take care Montcalm Here,s the link hope my english is ok!!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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PostSubject: Treasur Hunting part two   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:12 am

The link,s for the treasur hunting,
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PostSubject: Treasur hunting part three   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2011 9:15 am

It seem,s that the link is not alloud!!Here,s the adress for the web site detectionduquebecboardhost look for the english part Bye Montcalm
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Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 62
Location : Alexandria,NH

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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the new forum!   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2013 5:40 am

Lochlainn wrote:
Hi Folks,

Welcome to the "Metal Detecting New England" forum. A gathering place for New Englanders as well as friends throughout the world to discuss the hobby of metal detecting and other related topics. . Please feel free to introduce yourself in the aptly named forum section. Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading all of your posts. Please bear with me as I am still getting the hang of the Admin controls. Thanks!

Were is everyone here,this forum has been abandoned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Welcome to the new forum!   Welcome to the new forum! I_icon_minitime

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