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 Awesome button and home alive!

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leslie(nova scotia)
Veteran Member
Veteran Member
leslie(nova scotia)

Posts : 292
Join date : 2008-06-11
Age : 70
Location : nova scotia

Awesome button and home alive! Empty
PostSubject: Awesome button and home alive!   Awesome button and home alive! I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 4:35 pm

From the land of the Bluenose....we got out! Drive to the spot was uneventful and the day then was actually quite nice. Ducks were enjoying it so why not Navy Davy and I!
Awesome button and home alive! PC110003
ND and I had to leave quite a few good targets in the ground as in certain places the ground was concrete reminding us that the season is near the end. Monday by the way is suppose to go up to plus 10 cel!

Anyway both of us were getting worn out ground not the UFC type but the real McCoy. Then it got colder and the white stuff came. Think Navy Davy's expression says it all me son!
Awesome button and home alive! PC110005
Anyway the ride home on the 103 was something else. Saw the aftermath of two accidents due to black ice on the road and not once but twice we went for a spin even at a drastically reduced speed. Would have taken a few photos of the wrecked cars but ND didn't want his trucks rear end being a hood ornament for some one elses ride! Hats off to Navy Davy and his driving skill. Of course this was all the excuse I needed to stop at the smart shop and git some Crown Royal to go with my leftover bottles of Guinness!

Navy Davy managed 43 coins and is within 30 coins of reaching last years total! Way to go me son!
Awesome button and home alive! PC110009
As fur dis bouy it was one awesome button, Nova Scotia penny token (toasty and no date but probably 1832) and 48 coins @$7.53 added to the "You know what fund."
Awesome button and home alive! PC110011
Anyone help on the button? Gold gilt on both sides with the shank side writing "H&W Fine Gilt."
Awesome button and home alive! PC110001
Awesome button and home alive! PC110002
Mom is a druggie but feeling no pain today. Sum hard on dis bouy to see her like that youz! Winter has come!
Awesome button and home alive! PC110013
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Awesome button and home alive!
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