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 Ouch, century and what is this button?

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leslie(nova scotia)
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leslie(nova scotia)

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Ouch, century and what is this button? Empty
PostSubject: Ouch, century and what is this button?   Ouch, century and what is this button? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 15, 2008 3:04 pm

From the land of the Bluenose.....the pitch! The line shot towards the mound! The result!.
Ouch, century and what is this button? P3040001
Man the curse words....frigate, Son of a Seahorse, go hake yourself,you can go to halibut and a few other choice words but I stayed in the game which we eventually won but this bouy was toasted for the rest of the weekend tournie.

Next day at work I cut a rather dapper appearance with my left hand gingerly tucked under my fashionable and darn hot bullet proof vest...sort of a retro regal, Napoleanic look or a geek...take your choice. Had to go airside and some darn ramp rat opened a PSL (primary security line) door and banged my sore hand ...well me son I almost pepper sprayed the bouy and let the Asp fly in a fit of pain. Good part about all this is that I couldn't write a report nor a violation!

Rest of the nightshift was uneventful and today I awoke to the rain drumming on the window so I thought to myself what better a day to go a digging...righthanded!

Hit a park in town and dug my feeble brain out hitting a century and heading home within 2 1/2 hours with the only thing of note being this button which I know nothing about.
Ouch, century and what is this button? Ouch
Ouch, century and what is this button? P3040006

Take for the day was 2 church keys , the button and the chicken thingie and 125 coins @ $12 even.
Ouch, century and what is this button? P3040009
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Ouch, century and what is this button? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ouch, century and what is this button?   Ouch, century and what is this button? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2008 10:44 am

Cool button Les, looks important !! Rich.
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Ouch, century and what is this button?
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