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 1723, 1864, buckles and buttons

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leslie(nova scotia)
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leslie(nova scotia)

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1723, 1864, buckles and buttons Empty
PostSubject: 1723, 1864, buckles and buttons   1723, 1864, buckles and buttons I_icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 6:10 am

From the land of the Bluenose.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh! The Tim Horton's coffee awoke me from my morning stupor as just a mere 20 minutes earlier I was in Lalaland sawing logs after a brutal night shift when Navy Davy's baritone on the phone woke me at 1115hrs to inform me it was time to go. That took a minute to register in my thick skull but then as the fog lifted I recalled that we were going to pick up Slickpick Rick and detect on the way back to my abode.

Navy Davy went into a monologue on his digs from the last two weeks while I was away on vacation and must say they where impressive. Upon arrival at Slickpick Rick's homestead we noted he was standing at the doorstep ready to go and that we did hitting an old farm field that netted each of us an old copper including this toasty 1723 number which I cleaned to no avail.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P5020026
From that field to another but with less luck. Arriving at my place we were soon joined by French Dave who was to be my other house guest for the weekend. Of course French Dave wanted to chow down on Chinese food so it was off to May's then AW for Slickpick's chicken nuggets.

Evening was "spirited" which SPR and I paid for the next morning.

After stopping at Tim's the next morning we lined up our machines and waited for our aquatic transportation.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P4290022
Must say that the Old Freedom 3 Plus still retains her youth next to those modern contraptions!
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P4290021
Day started out pretty foggy but soon turned into a hot one whereas ND had to take his coat off for fear of drowning in his own sweat! We all dug an assortment of buttons and coins. Day ended all too quickly and we retired to my place whereas SPR and ND then departed as SPR had to return to Kentville. French Dave stayed another night and returned to Cape Breton the following day. Slickpick Rick and French Dave a field examining finds.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P4300023

Slickpick Rick's finds.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons Find11-18
Navy Davy's finds with his Technitics which ruled the day!
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons GetAttachment-2
Bluenose's Freedom 3 Plus finds.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P5020027
Unfortunately French Dave left before we could photograph his buttons and large cents. Did manage however to get a photo of the cake for Gerry's birthday and house warming party. Great fellow with whom I play ball and a fearless hunter of squirrels....must run in his family.
1723, 1864, buckles and buttons P4300025
A first for this bouy as I managed to transfer email photos to my photobucket.....still a work in progress.
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1723, 1864, buckles and buttons
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