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 First combo dig of the year

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leslie(nova scotia)
Veteran Member
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leslie(nova scotia)

Posts : 292
Join date : 2008-06-11
Age : 70
Location : nova scotia

First combo dig of the year Empty
PostSubject: First combo dig of the year   First combo dig of the year I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 4:49 pm

From the land of the Bluenose.....after working 6 days in a row (12 hour shifts) decided I needed a day off from dodging airplanes on the apron, answering unattended baggage calls and dealing with my new boss who by the way I took a promotion years ago to get away from! Too boot the shoulder is coming along slowly but a by product of the medication is a body rash and itching like I was sitting in a fire ant nest.

Yupper me son a dig and swish were muchly needed.

First place was a local park where I could do the land and aquatic thingy.
First combo dig of the year P6100030
Still skidding around the AT Pro learning curve but picked up a few coins along the beach and in the woods. Not chancing the Pro to leak I assembled the Seahunter MK11 and did the dew with the ducks.

Another park same thing and then another and time to go home. Not quite a quota but a nice few hours away from scratching.
First combo dig of the year P6100032
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First combo dig of the year
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