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 First Nation Brave points the way to quota

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leslie(nova scotia)
Veteran Member
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leslie(nova scotia)

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Join date : 2008-06-11
Age : 70
Location : nova scotia

First Nation Brave points the way to quota Empty
PostSubject: First Nation Brave points the way to quota   First Nation Brave points the way to quota I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 12, 2011 3:31 pm

From the land of the Bluenose.....Marie and I had a rare weekend off together and decided that a little trip and picnic was in order so off we went with the AT Pro tucked in the back.

Motoring down the highway this First Nation Brave pointed us in the right direction!
First Nation Brave points the way to quota P6110002
So away we went not making it to a digging spot but to an ice cream parlor! Mocha and chocolate chip mint....sum gud youz!

Hitting Tatamagouche Marie went shopping and I to a soccer field. Mister man it was a swamp with the bugs just a hovering looking for fresh meat. Only befitting that when I hooked back up with Marie she showed me a teeshirt she had purchased for her father for the upcoming event!
First Nation Brave points the way to quota P6120008
Well me son from there it was off to East Chester for a rousing full contact night of bingo...this bouy won $50 which Otto claimed!

Take for the day long outing with a dig thrown in was a dog tag, jack knife, Brit penny, 2 Euro and 75 coins @ $7.53.
First Nation Brave points the way to quota P6120007
Today being my last day off I umpired and let me tell you me bouy the bugs were bad but the ball was a halibut more badder! Torture to say the least.
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First Nation Brave points the way to quota
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