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 Century by water and land

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leslie(nova scotia)
Veteran Member
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leslie(nova scotia)

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Century by water and land Empty
PostSubject: Century by water and land   Century by water and land I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 5:31 pm

From the land of the Bluenose....for four days I have been fighting to fix my photo problem and a 5 minute call to Johnny White Pail and it's "no probelmo" anymore.

Had a few hours (4) to spare so took land and water gear and did the dew. Hit a few lakes then a playing field just swishing and digging contently. Nothing happened! Nothing too report! Just a near Narvania state.

Take for the day was a golf egg, dog tag, dinkie, 2 earings, kids ring,fishing swivel, a 925 earing, key with pewter dog chain, "Cool Dude" pin and 129 coins @ $25.33....not a bad day and a few coppers closer to the UK!
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