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 Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news

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leslie(nova scotia)
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leslie(nova scotia)

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Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news Empty
PostSubject: Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news   Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 30, 2009 4:33 pm

From the land of the Bluenose.....night shift was not too far off so I decided to head out for an hour and a bit before it was time to bed down before heading into work.

Sure felt lucky to be swinging this time of the year as folks in other parts ars already under the winter thaw. Took my time and just enjoyed the uneventful and quiet outing in the park popping pennies, pull tabs, junk and a nice religious medal. Had quota in no time and headed home to shower and get some sack time. Marie was home early from work and was beaming.

They had a cancellation and the doctor phoned saying that they could do the surgury on her leg Thursday...............she has been on the waiting list for over 2 years. Such is the speed of our free medical! Guess I'll be a nurse maid for a tad as she is expected to be off for up to two weeks. This means our tennis challenge will be in full swing again this coming summer! The "Big Guy " came through!

Take for the day was the religious medal , pressed Peggy's Cove Penny and 55 coins @ $4.69 adding to the back to the UK fund!
Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news P4240001-1
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Finding the "Big Guy's" medal brings good news
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